Sunday, 30 January 2011

busy doing nothing

I feel in some way that I've had a successful day because I've signed up for Guardian Soulmates (with some good advice from another Twitter friend), filed my first blipfoto journal (although its not working properly), counted birds in the garden and made some good food. I've also made a list of some things I have to do tomorrow on Monday morning. Those horrible phonecalls I've been putting off for some time. Chasing people to get them to do their job because apparently I have to shout the loudest to be seen. A very British quality is my reluctance to push myself forward.

I started off the day watching the tennis, thinking perhaps this time, Murray could do it. But again, something in his brain goes pop and he can't shake off that voice.

But if I really examine my day, so far I have actually achieved little of real consequence. No job applications completed being the most important thing I should be doing. Counting birds and thinking about books doesn't really cut it. Also making myself feel bad is another common trait. But I crack on with that which aplomb.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

seems life isn't all Inspector Morse & Midsomer Murders

A Twitter friend recommended I start a blog. Well, I have always considered myself a writer but seem to get by without actually writing anything down. Perhaps that why I like Twitter so much, Micro blogging maybe the extent of my writing capability but no, I know that not to be true. I have taken a writing class (or several if truth be told) and even attended a writing workshop in Tuscany. So I've done the writing to a deadline and performing in front of a (friendly) crowd. But right now, blogging seems the natural next step to the limits of 140 characters. My concentration or rather lack of it has been the only obvious victim of my Twitter addiction. Haven't read a book in months which doesn't feel right. I have a very long list of books that I have taken out from the library (yes, I love and use my library #savelibraries) but then haven't read. Returned them with my head hanging. But of course, they don't know or care if you've actually read them. There's no test at the till. I'm not a believer in the old adage life is too short because its not really but then I join the chorus of people lamenting the swift passing of yet another year and all of a sudden I'm in my mid thirties and I wonder how that happened.

But the real reason I am to start this blog is to record my attempts at finding true love or at the very least someone not too short to pass the time with. Actually that's not strictly true. I mustn't belittle this. But I need to go from zero to completeness in next to no time because I'm told my clock is ticking. And on those quiet mornings lying in bed, I can hear it racing away. But for now, its Saturday night and I'm tired from my busy day of ITV3 police dramas. So buononotte.